A blue book cover with white, sans serif lettering.


Nick Waplington




New York, NY


Nick Waplingston
Neither a Salt Spring Nor a Horse

Neither a Salt Spring Nor a Horse documents Waplington's series of Poseidon Paintings situated within two series of photographs: Olive Trees (2013) was taken in “no man’s land” between the Jewish settlement of Har Homa, south of Jerusalem, and the Palestinian city of Bethlehem, a few hundred meters away. The second series of photographs, Athena 1 to 9 (2012), were taken while Waplington was out walking in the mountains in the northern West Bank. The women in the photographs are students at a midrasha, or Jewish religious boarding school, in the settlement of Shvut Rachel.

Collections: MoMA Library

Published by Pacific, Saddle stitched with white foil stamp, 10¼ × 12 inches, 68 pages, Edition of 400, Special Edition of 50

Two thin, blue books stacked on top of each other. The front cover of the top book is visible. The title in white sans serif letters is on the front.
An open book with two white pages. The right page has a short block on black text on it.
An open book with a photograph of singular trees on each page. A white border is around each of the photographs.
An open book with a photograph of a singular tree on the right page.
An open book. Each page has a photograph of a woman standing in a large doorway. The woman on the left page wears mostly yellow. The woman on the right wears a blue shirt and black skirt.
An open book. The left page is blank, the right page has a photograph of a woman wearing a pink shirt and black skirt, standing in a doorway.